Friday, December 10, 2010

Vanna K's 7 Tips for Selecting an Engagement Ring

  1. Visit a Reputable Jeweler: Visit a reputable jeweler who will guide you through the steps of your purchase and will explain the difference between selecting a Platinum or Gold ring and the difference between certification laboratories for diamonds such as GIA and EGL. Reputable jewelers can be found using the dealer locator at
  2. Ask lots of questions: Jewelers are not there to make a sale on the first day. Part of a jeweler's job is to educate you. So do yourself a huge favor and take advantage of it.
  3. Understand the Difference Between Size and Quality: When learning about Diamonds, understanding the difference between Size and Quality is very important. Although many people think size is what is most important, when it comes down to selecting the right diamond for your budget, we recommend you focus on quality. A quality diamond will have less imperfections and less yellow color.
  4. The 4 C's: Understand the basics of the 4 C's of the diamond purchasing process: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat weight. For more information on the 4 C's, visit
  5. Designer Ring vs. Generic Ring: You just spent a lot of money on the diamond. Wouldn't you prefer to have something that was created by a reputable jewelry design house?
  6. Involve Family in the Proposal Process: The degree of involvement is a matter of choice, but to some extent it's a good idea to get the input of her family and yours.
  7. Budget: Give yourself a budget that consists of 2-3 months salary. Budgeting is important because it will guide you in the type of diamond and ring you will ultimately be selecting.
Lastly, enjoy every minute of your engagement process. Remember that you and your fiance'-to-be are on a beautiful journey together. Though there will be highs and lows at every stage, each one is precious - so savor it.

For more helpful tips, visit

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